Thursday, February 11, 2010

digital painting

here are my digital paintings so far...don't know any of the marks for them yet, but i'm getting better ^___^

first is a bluestein bus depot layout, i just coloured it.

second painting...our own layout. i didn't have my bedroom in time, so i did my kitchen. it's an alchoholics kitchen. im okay with it...i was kinda fighting with myself cuz i dont know how to use photoshop and im not in a style i like yet, i havent had time to explore that much. i have trouble with lighting. i wanted to make it look like it's a light that doesnt work completely, but i don't know that that reads. i didn't realize i could have done something awesome with the beer bottle in the light, and i wanted to put scrap marks on the floor to show that the cubboards scratch the floor when u open them, but no time for me >O<. but i actually like this, despite the problems. the mood is cool to me ^____^ texture painting. i honestly didn't spend that much time on the hair, i liked it the way it was with the hard light. i am stubborn. oh wells! i didn't have time to make the face better, i was quite sad.

here's my fourth painting. it's in it's rough stage...i have to make it better and hadn it in next week. however, this was the style i was going for, and i am happy with it here. i'm going to change it for the assignment parameters...i need to add highlights to the hair, explore that a bit more, and add more contrast to the face to make structure more apparent, take away sketch lines, and add more funky colours to make it warm vs cold. i might change the background, actually put the light sources colours in the background cuz i think he thot it was copied frmo a picture....altho it wasnt. anyways here ya go

ill keep updating over the weekend XD

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